As mentioned on Sunday that the Rev. Tim Krick, the Manager of Congregational Engagement with Lutheran World Relief, is coming to visit us. Basically, we here at DLC were awesome when it came to their campaign around Ukraine relief and we are consistent with their long term campaigns.
The new date and time is November 8th at 10:30am here at the building. We are hoping a number of you can join us. We want you to hear the thanks and the impact we have had. Rev. Krick went and witnessed directly what good our ministry with them has done in Ukraine and other places like Türkiye, and will share that with us. Please invite other leaders and members of our congregation since not everyone is on the internet often. Sometimes it seems like that Lutheran churches collect money, gather kits, put together quilts, etc. and then we later get thank you note that gets stuck on a bulletin board. But, we end up a little disconnected from the way we shared Jesus with others. This is a chance to reconnect to our ministry. |
August 2024
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